Exhibitions Archive

Expositions, concerts and seminars are organized every year in the rooms and in the courtyard of the Castle. Lectures about the most different themes concerning the Ladin language and culture also take place.


Lostriades - Percursc de nëif - Schneepfade - Percorsi di neve

Curator: Paolo Vinati
Texts: Paolo Vinati, Massimo Pirovano
Exhibition design: Lukas Mayr Architekt
Graphic design: FORMBAR - Laurin Kofler



catalogh Catalog: coming soon



lostriades 2


Dépôt...e luce fu! Und es ward Licht! Y al é gnü la löm! And there was light!

Curator: Katharina Moling
Texts: Katharina Moling, Elisabeth Stampfer, Helmut Stampfer, Cesare Poppi
Exhibition design: Campomarzio
Graphic design: Campomarzio



depot cover Exhibition's catalog

sala circolare

sala trilitica


Trienala Ladina 2019 "The place is the space" and "Richard Agreiter" art award

Curator: Günther Moschig
Texts: Günther Moschig
Exhibition design: Lupo & Burtscher
Graphic design: Lupo & Burtscher



Exhibition's catalog "Trienala Ladina 2019"

trienala 2019

trienala 2019

trienala 2019

trienala 2019





Pultredes dl dejenuefcënt - Photographies of the twentieth century.  The 20th century in Selva and Santa Cristina)


Graphic and exposition design: Pentagon

gherdeina gherdeina 2



Zacan y incö - As it was and as it is. Going to school in the Ladin valleys

Curators: Katharina Moling e Stefan Planker
Texts: Annemarie Augschöll, Carla Comploj, Lois Ellecosta, Vigile Iori, Martino Pezzei, Raimund Pitscheider,
Edith Ploner, Felix Ploner, Vinzenz Senoner, Union de i Ladins d'Ampezo, Roland Verra, Paul Videsott
Exposition design: architetti Weber e Winterle
Graphic design: Studio Mut



zacan y incö Exhibition's catalog "Zacan y incö"

zacan y incö

zacan y incö


The mysterious world of the caves in the Dolomites

Curator: Herwig Prinoth
Texts: Elio Dellantonio, Ulrike Kindl, Gernot Rabeder, Francesco Sauro, Christoph Spötl

More information...

mostra andri

mostra andri




“Integra” - Lois Anvidalfarei

Where: Conturines cave, Nature Park Fanes-Senes-Braies
Text: Erri De Luca

More information...







Legno | Lën | Holz - Wood

Galleria Civica di Trento, in collaboration with the Museum Ladin Ciastel de Tor
Curator: Gabriele Lorenzoni




legno - lëgn - Holz Exhibition's catalog "Legno | Lën | Holz"

legno - lëgn - Holz

legno - lëgn - Holz


Trienala Ladina 2016 "High Five"

Curator: Karin Pernegger
Texts: Karin Pernegger
Graphic design: Studio MiSign

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trienala V

trienala 2016

trienala 2016

trienala 2016


1914 - 1918. Beyond every border. The Ladins tell their story.

Curators: Luciana Palla, Stefan Planker
Texts: Elisabeth Stampfer, Isabella Marchione
Graphic design: Misign

More information...

mostra 1914-1918

mostra 1914-1918


Le cör dla ciasa - Our home's heart. The traditional livingroom in the Badia Valley

Curators: Katharina Moling, Stefan Planker
Texts: Hans Grießmair, Helmut Stampfer, Emanuel Valentin
Graphic design: Misign




la stüa Exhibition's catalog "Le cör de ciasa"

la stüa

la stüa





Carlo Pescollderungg. Postcards collection

Curator: Stefan Planker

More information about the: collection... the exposition...

mostra dla racoiüda Pescollderungg

mostra dla racoiüda Pescollderungg


Trienala Ladina 2013 "Chaos & Order" and "Richard Agreiter" art award


Curator: Alfredo Cramerotti 
Texts: Alfredo Cramerotti
Graphic design: Lupo & Burtscher

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trienala 2013

trienala 2013

trienala 2013

trienala 2013


Franz J. Noflaner: wish, watch, amaze

Curator: Markus Klammer
Texts: Markus Klammer
Exhibition design: Museum Ladin
Graphic design: Gruppe Gut



Noflaner Monography: Vol. I - Dichter Worte; Vol. II - Menschen Blicke




Scibla mo n iede - Whistle once again. Memories and visions of the Gherdëina railway

Curator: Stefan Planker
Texts: Elfriede Perathoner
Graphic design: Michael Moling Misign
Exibithion design: Arch. Andreas Moling



scibla mo n iade Exhibition's catalog "Scibla mo n iede"

scibla mo n iade

scibla mo n iade





Oswald von Wolkenstein in Art 1961-2011

Museum Ladin Ciastel de Tor in collaboration with Tublà da Nives

Curator: Hans Dieter Mück

More information...



Trienala Ladina 2010 "Mirrored stories" and "Richard Agreiter" art award

Curator: Adam Budak
Texts: Adam Budak
Exhibition design: Arch. Niels Jonkhans
Graphic design: Gruppe Gut

More inforamtion about the exhibition... exhibiton concept... Trienala Ladina...


trienala 2010 Exhibition's catalog Trienala Ladina 2010 "Mirrored stories"

trienala 2010

trienala 2010

trienala 2010

trienala 2010





Fotoclub Val Badia - La fotografia por comuniché... - Using photograpy to communicate...

Museum Ladin Ciastel de Tor in collaboration with the Fotoclub Val Badia

Curator: Fotoclub Val Badia

More information...



Beyond the mountain towards freedom

Curator: Stefan Planker
Texts: Leo Senoner
Exhibition design: Arch. Andreas Moling
Graphic design: Michael Moling Misign

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oltre la montagna

oltre la montagna





Asami Kato: from Japan to Ladinia

Curator: Stefan Planker
Texts: Asami Kato

More information...

Asami Kato

Asami Kato





Adalbert Tolpeit: Free design

Curator: Danila Serfini
Texts: Danila Serafini

More information...




"Listen, it's time..."

Curators: Tobia Moroder, Stefan Planker
Texts: Tobia Moroder
Exhibition design: Arch. Andreas Moling
Graphic design: Michael Moling Misign



manfredinus me fecit "Magister Manfredinus me fecit" - exhibition related publication







Le socrët di sasc da copes - The cup-marked stones' secrets

Curator: Herwig Prinoth
Texts: Herwig Prinoth
Exhibition design: Arch. Andreas Moling
Graphic design: Michael Moling Misign

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sasc da copes

sasc da copes





Val Badia's kindergarten kids exhibit their paintings

Curator: Lois Irsara

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Lois Anvidalfarei

Curators: Stefan Planker, Lois Anvidalfarei

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Anvidalfarei Anvidalfarei





Franz Kehrer: Rhythm in space

Curators: Stefan Planker, Franz Kehrer

More information...

Franz Kehrer Franz Kehrer


Trienala Ladina 2007 and  "Richard Agreiter" art award

Curators: Stefan Planker, Gaincarlo Lamonaca, Ivan Lardschneider, Isabell Pitscheider, Roland Senoner, Willy Verginer

More information...



trienala 2007

trienala 2007





Roland Senoner - To play with feathers

Curators: Stefan Planker, Roland Senoner

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Egon Moroder Rusina - "Samsara - Nilfheim", "The yellow void"

Curators: Stefan Planker, Egon Moroder Rusina

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60 years since the Treaty of Paris

In collaboration with the Intendenze Scolastiche, Istituto Pedagogico Ladino and the Archivio Provinciale

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Albert Mellauner - Geometrical games

Curators: Stefan Planker, Albert Mellauner

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Ëres tla Ladinia - ...about women in Ladinia

Curator: Stefan Planker
Texts: Kindl Ulrike, Palla Luciana, Runggaldier Ingrid, Schönweger Astrid, Serafini Danila, Valentin Daria, Valentin Marianna


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00 Eres tla Ladinia Exhibition's catalog "Ëres tla Ladinia"


Aeres tla Ladinia

Aeres tla Ladinia





Artistes ladines - Ladin female artists

CuratorDanila Serafini

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Hinter den Fronten - Dietro le linee - Beyond the front

In collaboration with the Intendenza Scolastica Italiana, Istituto Pedagogico Ladino, Istituto Pedagogico Italiano, Istituto Pedagogico Tedesco, Archivio Provinciale and other cultural institutions.

More information...

dietro le linee

dietro le linee






Curators: Stefan Planker, Filip Moroder "Doss"
Texts: De Gasperi Fiorenzo, Kindl Ulrike, Mahlknecht Peter, Morodre Filip


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00 Acquanitis Exhibition's catalog "Aquanitis"


Acquanitis Acquanitis


Manuel Riz - Scedola

Curators: Stefan Planker, Manuel Riz


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00 Scedola Exhibition's catalog "Scedola"








Troi Paian: Myth or reality?

Curator: Herwig Prinoth


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00 Tru Paian Exhibition's catalog "Troi Paian: Mit o realtà?"


Tru Paian

Tru Paian





Otto Irsara - Retrospective

Curators: Stefan Planker, Danila Serafini
Texts: Danila Serafini


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00 Otto Irsara Exhibition's catalog "Otto Irsara - Retrospetiva"


Otto Irsara Otto Irsara






Curators: Kunstmyst

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Curators: Stefan Planker, Gerald Moroder, Karin Frasnelli, Beatrice Mattei, Sieglinde Tatz Borgogno, Chiro (Ciro Saetti)

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Rinaldo Cigolla - From Carnival to Life

Curator: Stefan Planker

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Trienala Ladina 2004 "L'ert ladina: Stlüta ite? Stlüta fora?" - "The Ladin art: Included? Excluded?"

Curators: Stefan Planker, Lois Anvidalfarëi, Thea Blaas, Aron Demetz, Gehard Demetz, Philipp Messner, Walter Moroder

More information...

Trienala 2004

Trienala 2004

Trienala 2004 Trienala 2004





L chiet tla scultura - The calmness in the sculpture

Curators: Stefan Planker, Franz Canins, Hubert Mussner, Otto Piazza, Vinzez Senoner

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Richard Agreiter - The enigma of the shape

Curator: Stefan Planker

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Richard Agreiter

Richard Agreiter




Tl mëter man - At the beginning

Curator: Stefan Planker

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La storia dla Scora d'Ert de Sëlva Gherdëina - Sëlva's art school history

Curators: Stefan Planker, Reinhold Senoner, Danila Serafini


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00 scora d'ert Exhibitionäs catalog "La storia dla Scora d'Ert de Sëlva Gherdëina"


scora d'ert

scora d'ert




Lo sguardo diverso - Der Blick anders - A different glance

Curators: IKA (IntegriertesKunstAtelier)

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La cripele - The Christmas crib

Curator: Stefan Planker

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00 cripele Pubblication about the art of carving Christmas cribs in the Gardena Valley








Siegward Sprotte - Cycles dialogues

Curators: Stefan Planker, Anja Möller


More information...

00 Sprotte Exhibition's catalog "Cycles dialogues"








Prozesciun de Jeunn - The procession to Säben

Curators: Stefan Planker, Lois Craffonara0


More information...

Jeunn Exhibition's catalog000 Jeunn Results of the research about the procession to Säben




Guido Anton Muss - L'autra mesa pert - The other half

Curators: Stefan Planker, Danila Serafini
Exhibition design: Ulla Costa


More information...

00 Muss Exhibition's catalog


Muss Muss